Microbiome and joint inflammation: The missing link?
The detection of dysbioses over the course of joint inflammation pathologies naturally leads us to question their relation to the latter: Cause or consequence?
The interventional studies necessary to answer this question remain limited to animal models, in which possible causality is suggested with the loss of protective commensal bacterial species and excessive proinflammatory species.
To test its causality and offer new treatment solutions for patients, this imbalance needs to be corrected.There are several potential approaches: The simplest, although it is sure to be insufficient in many cases, is to improve the patient's lifestyle, particular in terms of diet; on the other end of the spectrum, the most radical approach involves the transplantation of a eubiotic microbiota, trials of which have delivered promising results in inflammatory gut conditions and which may lead to experimental treatments being extended to joint conditions.
Happy reading!
Maxime Breban
Editor in Chief of this issue